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Online Information Session on Harvard Kennedy School Master in Pblic Program

Date : 12-09-2020 Lectures : 3168

The Tunisia Office of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University and the Mason Fellows Program at the Harvard Kennedy School organize online information session on Applying to Harvard Kennedy School's Mid-Career Master in Public Administration (MPA).

This session will be held on Zoom on : Friday, 18 September 2020 from 5:30 to 7:30pm (Tunis-Time).

 The idea of organizing this session was generously suggested by the group of Tunisian candidates who have been selected to take part in the 2020 and 2021 MC/MPA Mason Program at the Harvard Kennedy School. In order to inspire others who are interested in joining this Harvard program, and contribute to the growth of the Tunisian community at Harvard, Ons Ben Abdelkarim, Ouided Bouchamaoui, Leila Charfi, Mohamed Haddad and Issam Yahyaoui will present their respective experiences with the application process. They will provide tips and clues on how they wrote their application essays, collected recommendations, took mandatory tests, and carried on with the application steps for both the academic and the financial fellowship parts.

Suzanne Shende, Director of Edward S. Mason Program and Associate Director of MPA Programs at the Harvard Kennedy School, will take part in this discussion to present the Harvard Kennedy School and the one-year mid-career Master in Public Administration program. She will also present the fellowship opportunities in place to support mid-career candidates from Tunisia.

This session should be of interest to leaders in policy from all sectors: government, non-governmental organizations, media, social movements, academia, central banks, social entrepreneurship, culture or elsewhere who are interested in applying to the one-year mid-career Master in Public Administration program at the Harvard Kennedy School.

For all questions, feel free to contact:

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